
SMC Indonesia

SMC Indonesia Menampilkan Smart Eco Factory di Manufacturing Indonesia 2024

SMC Automation Indonesia turut ambil bagian dalam pameran Manufacturing Indonesia 2024 di JIExpo Kemayoran, Jakarta, pada 4-7 Desember 2024. SMC menampilkan ide “Smart Eco Factory” dalam pameran ini.

Sejumlah solusi hemat energi, seperti Wireless System dan Air Management System, hadir dengan visualisasi digital. Selain itu, sejumlah sistem aplikasi, termasuk Agriculture Chiller, Wireless Pick & Place Robot, dan Innovation Products 2024, turut dipamerkan bersama produk-produk baru seperti Cobot Gripper, Energy Saving Booster Regulator, eActuator, dll. Pameran ini memperkenalkan serangkaian solusi yang dapat meningkatkan produktivitas, keberlanjutan, dan efisiensi.

Melalui keterlibatan ini, SMC menunjukkan komitmennya untuk memajukan inovasi dan transformasi digital.

Sampai jumpa di acara berikutnya!

SMC Philippines


Shoketsu SMC Corporation Technology Show 2024 bersama dengan mitra kami memamerkan produk-produk SMC yang baru disempurnakan yang akan memberikan solusi bagi aplikasi pelanggan kami. Acara selama 3 hari tersebut diadakan di SMC Filipina pada tanggal 20 – 22 November 2024. Technology Show tersebut juga mencakup presentasi tentang Penghematan Energi SMC, Produk Inovatif dan Otomatis, Digitalisasi, Program Pelatihan SMC, Peralatan Pelatihan, dan Produk Mitra Kolaborasi.

About SMC Corporation (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

SMC Corporation (Singapore) Pte. Ltd is the Singapore subsidiary of SMC Corporation, the world’s largest pneumatic automation products manufacturer which was established in Japan and now has more than 50 years of experience. The Singapore subsidiary itself was established in 1974 and since then has grown over 45 years, gaining more than 65% of the market share in Singapore and established a far-reaching dealer network spanning countries such as Egypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,Cambodia and Qatar.

While the subsidiary mainly assembles knockdown cylinders, SMC Singapore also offers a wide range of high quality advanced industrial pneumatic products to meet applications in a myriad of sectors and fields of the market such as semiconductor, automotive, medical, and petrochemical, just to name a few. Products offered here range from actuators like electric actuator, pneumatic actuator and linear actuator, to valves like solenoid valve, pneumatic valve and flow control valve; from thermo equipment like thermo chiller and heat exchanger, to a variety of electrostatic discharge removal equipment.

Striving to maintain high standards not only in products but also in customer service, SMC Singapore is equipped with a well-stocked warehouse ensures quick delivery, as well as maintaining high levels of technical services and solid communication network to consistently meet the needs and expectations of our customers.
